Yogyakarta Bamboo Exposure

Bamboo Exposure in Yogyakarta

The other participants of Bamboo training have exposure in Yogyakarta to get further information working with bamboo. They are divided into 4 groups to visit some objects. The objects of the exposure in Yogyakarta are Klaten, Bantul river bank, Karti Aji, Karya Manunggal, Sahabat Bambu and Semoya Kindergarten.

1. Bamboo Craft in Klaten.
They have exported their product, bamboo duck to Europe. They use petrol and camphor to make their product durable.

2. Bamboo Conservation at River Bank in Bantul
Banguntapan village is a small village in Bantul Regency, eastern part of Yogyakarta. Jemingan, a church member of Javanese Church of Mergangsan lived close to the riverbank. He guides students to explore the area.

Bamboo has grown well in the riverbank for a long time even he does not know who has planted them. There are many kinds of bamboo there, such as, ori, apus, wulung and petung. Those bamboos prevent soil erosion because of water stream especially when flood is coming. People living surroundings use bamboo to make bamboo wall or sell the bamboo intact.

It is pity that people there do not have synergized management to sell bamboo as special product of the village. They sell bamboo independently so there is possibility for unhealthy competition on bamboo selling. Recently, it is very surprising that local government ask people to clear the bamboo for health reasons but people there defend to grow the bamboo for economical reasons.

3. Karti Aji and Karya Manunggal
The pioneer of Karti Aji, bamboo handicraft centre is Mrs. Pariyo after following bamboo training held by one NGO in Yogyakarta. Then she asks other women in her village to begin working with bamboo making some handicraft and kitchen tools. Because of good prospect, her husband and her son help her to develop the business, named Karti Aji. Karti Aji located in Sleman and now it has 14 workers. Market of Karti Aji reaches foreign countries as export product.

4. Sahabat Bambu and ABA Semoya Kindergarten
Students need to visit and to know further about Sahabat Bambu after following the training. They come again in a group to learn this community and the business organization. Students find that Sahabat Bambu or called SaBa gets support from MAP-Indonesia, UNIDO, Eko Prawoto Architecture Workshop, Indobamboo, kelompok pengrajin Bambu Sendari, and Tirtoadi Village officials.

The goal of SaBa is promoting bamboo and increasing the image of bamboo through durable bamboo and unique bamboo architectural construction. SaBa has whole bamboo management from seeding, controlled bamboo cutting, construction, handicraft and final product. SaBa also does up date innovation to make bamboo competitive product.

The example of Bamboo Construction for Kindergarten of ABA Semoya, Berbah

Students are very excited to know bamboo in use by doing exposure. After the exposure done by each group, students present the result and data of each object to inform other groups.
