Education: Between Hope and Reality
Wisma PGK Shanti Dharma, Godean, 11 to 13 October 2013

"Confessed or not, Indonesian education is still influenced by western education system, and there is still less exploration of local education values ​​of the country for the education," according to Dr. Dwi Siswoyo M.Hum, chief of Educational Science of Post Graduate Study of Yogyakarta State University, presenting his presentation on Global Education training conducted by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. "It would be more worrying if Indonesians become just the consumer of western culture system that will be narrowing Indonesian value of life," he added, quoting HAR. Tilaar. In that condition, students should be more creative to equip themselves to face global challenges with accessing the opportunities and cooperation opportunities.

Tunggul Priyono, SH., M.Hum., from Kopertis (Private University Coordination) region 5 Yogyakarta invited all students to come and to access information in Kopertis. Meanwhile Eko Prasetyo, the Director of Social Movement Institute, known for his book "Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah" (The Poor Was Banned for School) inspired the participants through his criticisms to the education system which was assumed to limit and to inhibit the students development, especially imagination. Further, he also encouraged the participants to learn and have self-empowerment in any student organizations. Another speaker, Markus Budiraharjo, Ed.D., from Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta underlined, that one’s growth cannot be separated from the context and environment in which s/he was originated. Positive interactions will help him/her to reach optimal growth. Especially, the ability to compete in global level is affected by the firmness to hold the values ​​of life and holistic thinking.

The exposure activity to visit the Museum of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Yogyakarta became a special moment to recall a national education pioneer with his thought and vision to educate the nation's children. Meanwhile, the exposure at INFEST (Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies) motivated participants to learn how to build self-reliance in information technology, as well as to empower rural villages through community empowerment.

Responding to the training, JF Anugerah Sihaloho, a student of Duta Wacana Christian University revealed, "The information and knowledge I get from Stube-HEMAT Training  may not be learned in other organizations even in my college. My understanding about education become wider and I can correct my own perspective”. Other participants, Claudia Betruchy Bada, a student of Mathematics Education, Sarjanawiyata Taman Siswa University, added, "I will share to other friends what I have learned from this training. The global competition and the fact of today educational condition,  encouraged me to learn, to find something new and to improve my knowledge".

Some of the follow-up actions are writing personal reflections about education, learning activities with school-age children around the participant’s boarding house in Celeban village, learning how to assist children at primary school age in Maguwoharjo village, Sleman, having discussion and village observation to discover the development potency of a village, and having discussion with Kopertis how to empower student, student activity units, and how to access a program of studying abroad.


During the training, two students participating in local exposure to Halmahera and Papua shared their experiences to the participants. It should be admitted that many problems need to be solved seriously in local regions, particularly the management and maintenance of the natural environment and health condition. Thus, it is extremely expected that students from outside Java who have completed studies in Yogyakarta to return and contribute their skills and knowledge for local development. (TRU)
