Leadership Facing the World Challenge
Are we surprised that human beings in this world is actually determined by just
a few people as leaders?
They are determinants of any policies of economy, war or peace. Of course, all
of us have
a dream of a leader able
to bring people and
the world into
better conditions. Or,
can we become a leader who is able to respond the world challenges? Ir. Tikno Iensufiie,
M.Pd., MA, a lecturer in Faculty of Liberal Arts of Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta was
interested to share his knowledge and skills to student activists of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in a leadership
Placed in the Hall of LPP Sinode GKJ dan GKI, on Saturday, November
16, 2013, this activity was quite interesting for the participants. With the theme
of “Leadership Facing World Challenge”, this one day training was divided into two
sessions. The first session discussed the Leadership Challenge and Leadership
Theory, while the second session discussed Leadership Motivation and Decision
Making. Participants learned that the success or failure of an organization, enterprise,
and even a person was
determined by the leadership skill with its weaknesses dan strengths.
a theology student from Duta Wacana Christian University asked, "Does one
need access to be a leader?” Ir Tikno firmly said, “No, being a leader does not require
access because basically humans have free-will (Human Free) both mental and
physical strength. If the basic skills were not utilized properly,
it will make
the owner become the
loser not the winner. Even leadership is an activity to influence others’ behavior, both individuals and groups
without boundaries or
rules of organization to achieve its goals”. Leadership is often assumed
the same with
management, with activities to achieve organizational goal
considering bureaucratic
manners and restriction which closely related with power achievement. In fact, a leader is different from
a manager.
conclusion of the training is, a person can be said to be a leader when s/he can influence others to work
together to achieve goals leading to 1) glorify the God, 2) make humans more humane, and 3) conserve the
nature. For the youth,
the ability to lead a big group starts from ability to lead a small groups, even ability
of self-leading. ***
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