A Student Empowerment
Duta Wacana Guest House , 15 – 16 January, 2014

The success of some series of final test at the Vocational School (SMK) BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta is the expectation of every student and teacher. However, success is not achieved easily, because it is the result of learning process for three years.

Final exam period would be a tough time for every student. Students faced two options, between succeed or failed. Further, challenges continue soon after the passing day, because they will face real competition in work world and struggle for life. To respond the situation, the school held a special program for its students containing reflection and empowerment, exploring personal existence revealing weakness and strength, what has happened in the past and what can be done for the future.

The school board of SMK BOPKRI 2 asks Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta to facilitate both mental and spritual empowerment and motivate students for school and national exam. The event attended by 41 students was held on Wednesday - Thursday, January 15 – 16, 2014 in Duta Wacana Guest House. Vicky Tri Samekto opened the event and introduced the organization and its activities. Participants also wrote their hopes and fears in their minds. Yohanes D. Alpasa continued the session with activities to make the students closer with Stube team. In addition, participants were asked to draw a symbol to describe the existence of him/her including his/her strength and weakness, and then share what they have drawn.

On the next day, Sofia Atalia, shared personal SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). Participants were assisted to find his/her SWOT to face their future.

And finally, Trustha Rembaka, S.Th, the coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, shared the principle of time management and how to keep the commitment. Participants wrote his/her daily activity and told his friends their activity in front. Many things were revealed when participants told their daily activities. The session was completed with video and the interactive activity was closed with a personal reflection. In accompaniment with song ‘Semua Baik (All is Good)’ participants were invited to reflect upon their own life journey, and realized that time is precious and should be well engaged. Then participants recalled and mentioned the people who support their life. Some participants felt personal touch and could not help their tears drop when recalling the times they have got, and how hard the struggle of people who had sincerely supported them, their parents, families and teachers.

The participants’ commitment to give their best life for the people who has supported them, became a closing statement of this event. (TRU).
