Stube-Hemat Yogyakarta Introduces Its Service
to Residents of Nyutran Neighborhood
Saturday, March 1, 2014

One maxim said, “How to love when we don’t know what we love”. It means that if someone or one institution is not known by the surroundings, it will get no care and attention. Regarding the importance of institution introduction, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta as one students service for Christian students studying in Yogyakarta, held an introduction meeting with the residents in Nyutran RW 19 RT 59 Yogyakarta, the place where Stube HEMAT has its secretary.

 On Saturday, March 1st, 2014, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta held an institution introduction in the community regular meeting taking place in one recident’s house, Muh. Pramono Irianto’s. Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta team consisting of Ariani Narwastujati, Trustha Rembaka, Vicky Tri Samekto, Stenly R. Bontinge, Sarloce Apang, Sofia Atalia and Yohanes D. Alpasa attended and mingled with the community.

Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd., the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT introduced the institution with its services. It’s expected that Stube HEMAT may be well accepted among the society and Stube HEMAT also opens a mutual cooperation with the local community. This service can be used as a medium of cross-cultural learning and interaction because Stube-HEMAT activists are mostly from outside of Java island.

Hosted by Heniy Astiyanto, SH, the head of the neighborhood, the meeting discussed some problems occured in Nyutran area, such as waterlogging due to rain, tower of BTS (Base Transceiver Station), social gathering and community service.

The meeting was closed with having dinner together among residents and Stube-HEMAT team. Hopefully, Nyutran will be better and more advanced in which Stube-HEMAT becomes part of it. (TRU)
