Be A Smart Voter!

What will you do when you have to decide a right choice? Will you search a good side, consider the benefits, or simply have a random selection? To determine a choice was difficult but we must take it.  One consideration to make a decision is a minimum risk. Choosing a spouse, future leaders, the head of the class, the head of Student Executive Council, or even state leaders, require our considerations. What kind of consideration do we need, then?

Defining Standard!
To determine an option, first, we should have a standard. For example, our choice should be good and it will bring pleasure. Being a class captain should be discipline, obedient to rules, diligent and be a good example. There are some criteria and we need to determine one. In sum up,  we must have a criteria to whom we trust. Making a choice means giving our trust. Let’s decide your criteria for whom you believe. Is the leader candidate an anti-corruption, pro-gender, or  pro-inclusion. Each of us has different criteria while each candidate has different capacity and concern as well.

Identify your choice!
Before the general election is held, it will be better for us to recognize the candidates’ background, character, political tracking, etc. We must be very disappointed if we choose a wrong person. The background of a leader influences the leadership character so it’s crucial for us to find out the background of the candidate through many ways such as relatives or media. A good-identification of the candidate will help us to understand the character of the leader in the future. Corruptive leader and committing an offense is not  the right one to be elected. A true leader must have servant-leadership, courage to enforce law, and spirit to work hard.

A Rational Voter
Having standard and ability to identify the background of the candidates, we can be classified as rational voters. Rational voters have a good standard to choose the right candidate.

Before the general election held in April 2014, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta suggests all students to be rational voters by practicing a method called political tracking. On Friday, March 14, 2014, the method was delivered by David Theo (STTL), Lius (STPMD APMD), and Johain (UJB) in Christian Fellowship in Yogyakarta Environment Engineering Institute. The group was accompanied by the team of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta.

It is expected that the methods will help us, and further we can spread this understanding to our family, community, relatives and friends. A group of student mentioned above is eager to share this methods to make more and more people be aware and able to be a rational voter. Finally, rational voters may bring Indonesia to have better development and prosperity!
