The prehistory volcano in Nglanggeran village of Gunungkidul
Regency has rows of exquisite stone, a good place for those loving 'tracking'.
Beside hiking trail and rock climbing spot, an artificial reservoir at the top
of the hill is a perfect location to relax and enjoy sunrise or sunset. This
place also provides facilities for those who want a live-in tourism to enjoy
village-living atmosphere. It is a quite attractive place as a tourist
destination and adventure, isn't it ?
How can this location be promoted as a potential tourist
destination? The beginning spirit is interesting to know as a reference to do rural
communities empowerment and it should be disseminated further among young
people. Sugeng Handoko, as the manager and initiator of the tourist area of prehistory volcano, explained that this
prehistory volcano site was considered having no value, and impossible to give benefits to local community,
eventhough it has water spring supplying clean water for its surrounding
dwellers. To keep the debit of the water spring, the residents maintain the volcano well.
In 2006, a powerful earthquake shook Yogyakarta and it
becomes an immortal memory for the people in Yogyakarta. It also gave great
impacts to people of Nglanggeran and triggered sense of solidarity among youth,
especially in youth clubs. The spirit of solidarity became the main capital to
lead them share information and initiate synergized activities. Furthermore, the
earthquake damaged some water springs and make them disappear from this area, so that the residents took some
efforts to reserve water.
Year of 2007 was the starting time to think and manage the area seriously
and continuously. A
Student Gathering of Ahmad Dahlan University was the first event held in this
place. Since then, the location was considered as a tourist area. Sugeng
Handoko said that the hardest pase was in the beginning because people were hard
to be accept his idea. They assumed that rows of stones has no meaning so it
became strange and impossible when residents heard that the area would be
developed as a tourist area.
"The main process that must be done is to build
awareness of local residents and change their perspective," said Sugeng
Handoko. Uneasy situation happened when he attempted to build network between
youth clubs with local government and make them support the idea. It took time
to get funding from the government. They wanted to see the youth efforts first.
After knowing the prospect and potency of the area, finaly the government gave
development funds. Another breakthrough is seeking CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds from companies, such as
bank, oil company and other state-owned enterprises.
"Process to find a donor for the area development should
be done continuously. It becomes very difficult because at first we do not have
access for a single information or do not understand the procedure to apply a proposal and the lack of power to lobby
donors," Sugeng Handoko added.
Social Entrepreneurship Training initiated by Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta on 22 - 24 August 2014, be a way of spreading the spirit and ideas
to see development potency for local areas and community, as done by Sugeng
Handoko in Nglanggeran.
Of course, there are many other potential areas in Indonesia,
so it becomes very important for the youth and students of Stube-HEMAT to
understand the social-entrepreneurship and learn potency of their homeland.
This interesting discussion with Sugeng Handoko added new insight for the team
and activists of Stube-HEMAT who joined a visit to Nglanggeran on July 2, 2014.
Next, students are expected to join this Social Entrepreneurship Training.
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