Christianity Training Program
the lost truth’
Wisma Pojok Indah, January 16 – 18, 2015.
The title above is a theme chosen by Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta
for Christianity Training on January 16 – 18, 2015. A theme that is relevant as
a response to social concern affected by global conflicts. The training was
attended by 34 participants from various universities in Yogyakarta.
Stube-HEMAT invited Rev. Tumpal Tobing (Board of Stube-HEMAT), R. Bima Adi, MA,
MTh (Lecturer of UKDW), the director of Social Movement Indonesia, Eko Prasetyo
and the training was also facilitated by some coordinators of Stube Germany.
Rev. Tumpal delivered materials about spirituality. He gave
outline that spirituality is something invisible but encouraging one’s life.
For that reason, we need a way to show the invisible thing, in our actions and
utterances. Truth is like a puzzle that exists but it is mysterious and need to
be arranged to have the pure form. The very important message from Rev. Tumpal
is each person was called to serve truth and be a witness of the Light.
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta team facilitated the training by
organizing participants to discover world leaders giving impact to life changes.
They pointed some, such as, Umbu Landu Paranggi, Sumbanese litterateur; RA. Kartini,
who struggled for women emancipation; Virginia Henderson, a nurse leader at
World War I; and Tetsuko Kuroyonagi, a Japanese, a child educator during World
War II. Each period has its figure that affected the struggle of life according
to the place and their social condition.
R. Bima Adi, MA, M.Th., also stated the same thing. Is church
actively involved to solve social problems occuring in community? Or it just
keeps silent when social problems occured? Could church involve in politics?
Further, participants shared various cases happen between church and society. History
noted that in every major political upheaval, such as 65 tragedy, either
directly or not, religious institutions get involved and also took on the role
as the sanctuary of the victims. At the end of the session R. Bima Adi gave
closing statement to the participants, "even though you haven’t a professional
job yet, this condition doesn’t make you discourage to continue giving
contribution to churches in responding problems and showing how and what the
real truth is".
Team of Stube Germany also facilitate this training. They
invited participants in groups to solve many cases based on each group’s best opinion.
Then, each participant got role exchange in a case, so that he/she understand
each other well on the issue perceived by others. Through such model, truth can
be inferred by understanding other feelings.
Furthermore, Stube German team invites participants to
perform role-play. In this session, participants were divided into five groups
and asked to portray the participants’ daily experiences. This method is one
medium for trauma-healing. It also gives a message that truth often not only
involves one or two people but also structural system.
A topic of present Islamic movement delivered by Eko Prasetyo
told that religion basically teaches kindness and should be a blessing in life.
Religious people are recognized not from his/her worship obedience, but how they
relate with others. Increasing violence in the name of religion happened because
religion itself was introduced not in tolerant way. Religion is politicized and
religious symbols stopped working. Social gap affects people to be intolerant.
Eko asked the participants, "Now what do we need? Everyone should help
each other, both the oppressor and oppressed. Let’s give them advocacy".
This training program continued by some follow-up activities,
such as interfaith dialogue, religious places visit in Yogyakarta and writing
biographies of figures who inspire life changing. (PIAF)
Role Play:
Group Discussion:
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