Christianity and
Social Justice

  1. Participants as modern Christians known as a world leader or leading the fight against social injustice.
  2. Participants are able to define "social justice" clearly and find the biblical principles related to social justice.
  3. Participants are able to develop a strong position in social action by the authorities, especially concerning social problems today.

Participants: 30 people

Friday - Sunday, February 19 – 21, 2016
At Wisma Retreat Bukit Hermon
Karangpandang, Karanganyar, Central Java

Contributions Rp 25.000,00
(Materials, accommodation and transport subsidies)

contact the team Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta
or visit our Secretary
Jln. Tamansiswa, Nyutran MG II / 1565C
Yogyakarta 55151
