Visiting Pondok Pesantren
at Mlangi

Pondok Pesantren or Moslem boarding school is known as a means of education and learning Islam. Indeed, pondok pesantren is an education place to build faith, character and ethic as Moslem for children till adult. However, historically, pondok pesantren does not educate religion only, but also nationalism. This was proved by the struggle of people in pondok pesantren fighting against Dutch colonialists who demean Indonesian people.

On Saturday, April 16, 2016, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta visited Pondok Pesantren ‘Assallafiyyah’ at Mlangi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Thirty one participants joined a dialogue with Gus Irwan Masduqi, the pioneer and educator of Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah. He finished his study at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, and then returned to Indonesia providing education.

This visit was the agenda of a training on Multicultural, and Inter-religious Dialogue. The participants were encouraged to show their identity amid diversity and be flexible in their interaction with other communities. However, interaction and dialogue is undeniable fact in this country in order to develop unity in diversity. We need to interact and dialogue with others. So, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta arranged a meeting with religious and cultural communities in the province.

"Here, at Assalafiyah, pondok pesantren also gives regular school," said Gus Irwan in the beginning of the dialogue. Gus Irwan explained that the santris (students dwelling in Pondok Pesantren) here mostly study in nearby campuses like UTY, UIN, Gadjah Mada University and Indonesian Islamic University (UII). The santris have similarity with regular students. The difference is they should stay at pondok pesantren so they have more time to pray every day. While regular students is praying at their boarding house.

The santri also have activities together with other students but just in certain time because of their rapid schedule. They go to a discussions with Young Catholics or with other communities or sometimes they are sent  as representatives in a discussion meeting.

Gus Irwan expressed his opinion about the different perspectives to interpret a text. Each interpretation is influenced by the interpreter’s perspective. When interpret a verse in scripture, people sometimes get different result of the interpretation. Each interpretation is influenced by the culture where he/she lives. Gus Irwan himself admitted that he is open to differences. Religion is derived from God, it has good side. There is no religion from God which teaches violence," Gus Irwan said.

Then why there is violence? He admitted that there are certain denomination teachings which legalized violence for specific reasons. "battle in religious difference occurs to fight for religious freedom not to force people to believe certain religion" , he added.

Gus Irwan shared his experience when visiting a church at Sinai, Egypt. Tolerance had been there since the Prophet era. Even there is a church that still keeps the letter of prophet Muhammad saying that the church should not be demolished. What a wonderful tolerance in that era.

Many questions from the participants of Stube-HEMAT were clearly answered by Gus Irwan.

A meeting with Gus Irwan and his students was a new experience for Stube participants. Most of them said that it is the first time for them to visit pondok pesantren.  "It turns out that students of pondok pesantren are friendly and good", said Apong, one of the participants.

Let's continue to build network and work together in our wonderful diversity. (YDA).
