Sumba 2016
Share Experience and Mutual Learning
A trip to visit a new
area in order to know the people and culture is a precious opportunity.
Moreover, the opportunity to interact and to learn with the local community about
the diversity in Indonesia is so worthy. Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta provides an opportunity for students and its
activists to visit
Sumba, a small island in East Nusa Tenggara. Not everyone can visit Sumba to enjoy the
natural beauty, unique culture and society.
There are some students
who dare to accept the challenge of venturing Sumba to share
their knowledge and
skills. Who are they?
The first is Junita
Samosir, a graduated agrotechnology student of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
University. In Sumba, she shared her knowledge about the cultivation of organic
vegetables to people in Laimbonga, East Sumba. She held practices making pilot
garden involving the local people, also observed land availability, land
preparation, seed preparation and watering until the treatment of plants. It is
nearly one month to harvest it along with the local people. In addition, Junita also trained
some woman to process
yellow pumpkins into pudding because of its very high nutrient, especially as a source of
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The people were so excited to process pumpkin
because it is usually served as boiled food or for their pigs feed.
The second is
Resky Julius, a Management student of Duta Wacana Christian University.
He is coming
from Toraja,
Sulawesi. There were two
activities he did
in Sumba, that is, sharing the experience how to write
curriculum vitae with
students of STT GKS and documenting a variety of interesting things in
Sumba, such as culture, crafts and natural landscapes. Curriculum
Vitae is important as a
form of personal preparation for entering the job world as well as creating employment
The third participant is
Christian Badai Bulin, an Information Technology Student of Duta Wacana
Christian University. He comes from Pontianak, West Kalimantan. He made a couple of
short videos telling about Sumba, such as Marapu customary burial, the atmosphere of
one beach in Sumba and processions using traditional clothe. He hoped that the short videos can be used as
documentation and tourism promotion in Sumba.
The Sumbanese’s health
condition became the concern of Imelda Dewi Susanti, from
Sekadau, West Kalimantan, as the fourth participant. She is a graduate student from Health
Institute of Bethesda
Yogyakarta. She shared her experiences with the local community and the
congregation members of GKS Kaliuda, East Sumba, to recognize the
hereditary diseases
(hypertension and diabetes mellitus) and the treatment including herbal beverage by
processing pumpkins. In
addition, she also taught people how to have a clean and healthy lifestyle, checked blood pressure and did
together with young
people in Kaliuda.
The fifth participant is
Yohanes Dian Alpasa, a theology alumnus of Duta Wacana Christian University. He
is from Bengkulu, Sumatera. He met and interviewed some activists of Stube-HEMAT Sumba who
participated Exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in the period of
It is done to find out
whether the program was beneficial and applicable in their origin area. Twenty-nine
participants were interviewed directly,
nine persons were interviewed by phone and two persons could not be interviewed becuase they
worked in different island.
The sixth participant is
Vicky Tri Samekto, a theological graduated student of Christian
Institute of Marturia,
Yogyakarta. With his theatrical
skill, Vicky
tried to encourage and to provide a forum for young people to express themselves
through their voice and body. The theater exercises became simple practices of
self-expression. Of course, the expression issued was related to social theme and young
Those above
are what
young people
have done. Eventhough they
are simple but it
may give inspiration
to others. Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta constantly encourages and motivates young people to establish their idealism and experience to
bring benefit to the society. (TRU).
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