Socialization of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta
At Campus of STAK Marturia

The introduction of Stube-HEMAT was held on Friday, February 17, 2017 by Stube-HEMAT team at STAK Marturia, a Christian Theology Institute located in Nologaten, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman. This event was attended by sixteen students from semester two until eight. The purpose of the socialization was introducing programs Stube-HEMAT service and its programs which can be followed by students. The participants attending the event listened the explanation about Stube and its activity, then eagerly asked about it.

Indah, as a speaker of the socialization was very excited to share her experience joining Stube activities that were usefull to her. In addition of main training programs held in every three months, there are also other programs, such as Exploring Sumba and Local Exposure. Exploring Sumba is a program that gives students an opportunity to visit Sumba and sharing their skills and knowledge they have. While the Local Exposure is a program for students when they spend their holiday in their hometown. During the holidays the participants will do useful activities, such as mapping the existing problems in local regions, sharing knowledge, skills and experience, and interacting with the local community.

One participant on the socialization namely Aan Priyadi, a semester two student of STAK Marturia said that the vision and missions of Stube-HEMAT were great as the services are taking care and serving the community, especially students and in rural areas community.

The Stube activity is suitable for any students having various educational backgrounds as they will meet new friends from various regions in Indonesia, learn different cultures, knowledge and also sharpen new skills. So, if you are still an active student in campus, please learn new things and do something useful for the society. (RBN).
