Are You
Still An Ekklesia*?
Are we still an ekklesia?
The question comes up along with the changes of eras and time. Christian values
as the life guide of every believer face hard challenges because life keeps
changing. On one side, worldly life offers pleasures and hedonism that is easily
accessed by anyone, and on the other side, there are still seriously problems
among the community, such as injustice, poverty, fanaticism, environment
neglect, etc.
The word ‘ekklesia’ in
Christian life commonly means to be called out from darkness into the light of
Christ to enlighten the darkness of the world. Christians, especially young
people need to reflect whether Christian values are still their guide? Is
spiritual life and daily life are two separate parts? Have the Christian values
embodied in young Christians’ daily life? This was the starting point of
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta to hold Christianity training program, 10-12 March 2017
at Wisma PPS UKDW Seturan, Yogyakarta. Thirty-two
student participants from many regions in Indonesia and from various
universities in Yogyakarta joined the training.
In the opening session
Rev. Bambang Sumbodo conveyed Romans 1: 16-17: "For I am not ashamed of
the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who
believes, first of all the Jews, but also to the Greek. For in it the
righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written: "The
righteous will live by faith." These words reminded young people to return
to God's Word, grace, faith and the word of God embodied in everyday life.
Ariani Narwastujati, the
Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT said that Stube-HEMAT as institution
mentoring students encourages young people, especially college students to
improve their knowledge and experience in answering the challenges of both
local and international. Their ability is eventually expected to be useful for
others around them. So far, Stube-HEMAT is established in Yogyakarta and Sumba,
and nowadays there is a Multiplication Program of Stube-HEMAT in Bengkulu.
The history of
Christianity and church reform undertaken by Martin Luther influenced many
regions of Europe and also affected Asia and even Indonesia. One of them is the
variety of Christian denominations in Indonesia. This was explained by Pastor
Dr. Jozef MN Hehanusa, a lecturer at Post graduate of Duta Wacana Christian
University in Yogyakarta. In addition, young people were reminded about the
challenges of church to answer the context of the current problems based on
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2015 – 2030, such as: poverty, food
security, healthy life, inclusive and equitable education and gender equality.
Achmad Munjid, a lecturer
at Faculty of Cultural Science, Gadjah Mada University revealed that the
relationship of Muslims and Christians sometimes did not happen because there
was 'barrier' or obstruction, i.e prejudice that emerged between Muslims and
Christians themselves. On one hand there is a prejudice among Moslem about a
motive to convert people to be Christians, while on the other hand Christians
have a prejudice about the establishment of Islamic state. Prejudice arose
because they have no experience in interacting together intensively. According
to Munjid, the spaces to meet each other should be created so that prejudices
will be eliminated and replaced with mutual understanding.
The Christian young
people's attitude to the nation was criticized by Brigadier General (Ret) TNI
Noeryanto. Christian young people should
look back to the past history of the nation and be brave to hold the truth even
it has its risks. He revealed his challenge while still serving as army and
explained the principles of leadership that should be owned by young people,
such as piety, ing ngarsa sung tulada,
ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani, waspada purba wasesa, ambeg
paramarta, prasaja, satya, gemi nastiti, blaka and legawa. The meaning are:
a leader should set an example, encourage, and give freedom within the corridor,
leaders must always be vigilant, humble, modest, loyal, not wasteful, honest
and brave to admit mistakes.
Then, the participants were
asked to work in group to formulate Christian values and real problems that
occur around them, and then made a reflection whether Christian values could answer
it? Further they thought what they can do as light (ekklesia) to answer these
Rut Merani, a student
participant of STAK Marturia, a theology Institute, from OKU Timur, South
Sumatra, said, "I got new knowledge that motivated me to do something in
this training. Although I was not so active in the process, the training built
my confidence to dare to tell you about myself and my region. I want to do
something good for my region."
The auto-critic to Christian youth in Indonesia is
to live inclusively among pluralistic society, open to the differences,
establish cooperation with everyone and take part in any efforts to solve
problems of Indonesians. Youth, keeps yourself as an ekklesia. (TRU).
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