Establishing Constructive
Interfaith Interaction

According to Ustadz,
'Establishing Constructive Interfaith Interaction’ could be 'yes'
means possible and also
'no' means impossible, depending on the willingness of the person. If you want to
live alone it means you do not need to have relationships with other people or
think that others do not need to exist. But the reality said that we live in
Indonesia having more than 17 thousand different islands, diverse ethnics, religions and
languages, and even today the mobility of people between regions is already high,
especially supported by advanced technology, so that, interaction with many people of
different backgrounds is so much possible. Further,
every one can easily
interact and express their opinions and thoughts. Frequently, the interaction
brings differences in
views between groups. This difference can lead to a conflict if it is not managed properly. For those who
fail to accept differences will react openly as a destructive opponent (causing
conflict), but on the contrary, there may be also a constructive reaction.
Furthermore, Ustadz
Hasyim explained several points to build constructive interfaith interaction,
such as: first, relearning the relationship between Islam and Christians in the range of history. There were some figures, such as
Warrabah bin Nawfal bin Assad bin Abd al-Uzza, a Christian translator of Arabic language at that time. Then,
there was king of Negus (Islam = Najas) in 600 AD, a wise king that did not
want his people to be tyrannized. He accommodated prophet Muhammad and his
followers to live in the area of his kingdom, and eastern Roman emperor
(Byzantium) who had good relation with followers of Islam at that time. Second,
understanding the
diversity of social reality that exists in Indonesia. Thus, one should not feel as
a noble person, more superior, greater and other
more. Otherwise, one
should not feel lower
than others. Third, understanding
the diversity in the
context of religion. Religion is a belief that exists in one’s heart. In this context, no
one is able to intervent human heart to believe in a religion, honestly, only the
person knows the relationship with God. I do the belief that I believe and anyone
who believes in his belief ought to understand it. Peace must be cultivated and
disseminated, although some people were still unaware of the need to create
At the end of the discussion Ustadz
hoped that constructive interfaith interaction can be realized if each religion
can erode prejudice and sceptic to one another. On the other hand, it is necessary to enlarge space of interfaith interaction and encounter for the sake
of goodness. It is time for young people to be
inspirators of change and peace. (TRU).
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