Young People Promote
Human Rights
There is a different
atmosphere on Saturday, May 5, 2018 in one building in Engineering faculty,
University of Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. Several young people and students from
various regions and backgrounds of study gathered in an event called ‘KAMU BELA HAM’. What event is it? The topic has a meaning that young people are
invited to promote Human Rights. It is a workshop initiated by Amnesty Indonesia (AI) and Social
Movement Institute (SMI) to introduce human rights understanding among
youth and build their awareness and sensitivity toward human
rights for their surroundings.
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta’s
participation in this workshop is a part of long series since last December with a network of Amnesty Indonesia and
Social Movement Institute in Yogyakarta. As an institution mentoring students
from various regions in Indonesia who study in Yogyakarta, Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta saw the importance of human rights understanding among young people and real daily implementation. Thus, Stube sent Wilton Paskalis and
Robertus Ngongo as participants in the workshop. Both students are from Sumba and activists
of Stube-HEMAT
In the beginning of the
workshop, Eko Prasetyo, SH., from SMI presented a general description of Human
Rights according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), in which human rights are rights
attached to person and can not be inviolable by anyone and or in any forms. Human
rights is very sensitive. Why? Because it is closely related to
the freedom life of every individu or group. It does not mean to act freely, without ethics or
morals, but it is freedom to have education, to launch opinion, to improve the quality of life,
to enjoy the
world and so on without
any ties that limits life. The concept of human rights according to the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights has been ratified by all countries, but in
reality it
has not proceeded
UDHR was a response toward World War II that brought humanity disasters. Next it is resulting movements of various countries to join the UN and they
produced the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948. The basic values of Universal
Declaration of Human Rights bear progress on freedom, justice, peace and
develop universal recognition and respect for human rights which is summarized
into 30 articles covering: (1) civil, political, economic, social and cultural
rights; (2) acknowledgement of inherent dignity of all human beings as the
basis for freedom, justice and world peace; (3) the universal acknowledgement
that human rights apply to all human beings; (4) promote respect for human
rights through teaching and education and progressive efforts both nationally
and internationally. One example of international cases is Israeli occupation
of Palestinian land, so that Palestinians are intimidated, facing access restrictions and difficulties
in their daily life.
Human rights and
its relevance in Indonesia for youth were revealed by Sri Muhyati, who stated
that human rights are relevant to Indonesia and its youth. Human rights as
ideals of independence are guaranteed by constitution of UUD 1945, in accordance
with the basic rights that must be met and protected by state. Human rights as
the ideals of independence proclamation are contained in the articles and the
opening of UUD 1945. Indonesians ever lived as a colonized nation
in which the nation and
its people lost their rights to life. The struggle for Indonesian independence
is the struggle for human rights because it restored human dignity. Abdurrahman
Wahid, known as Gus Dur, a nation figure and former president of the Republic
of Indonesia, revealed 'humanizing human beings', meant that humans should be
respected, but the reality is still fight for it. Human rights violations in
Indonesia also occurred during 1965 massacre, when people were arrested and
sentenced without trial, suffering physical and psychological torture.
Amnesty International
itself is a non-profit organization established since 1960 pioneered by Peter
Benenson, a lawyer from England. At that time he read two Portuguese students were
arrested because they toast for independence. He wrote letters to newspapers
and finally got respond widely of the demand to
release their rights.
Amnesty International existed in Indonesia since December 2017. Amnesty
International focuses on global movement of human rights protection campaigns.
Worshop KAMU BELA HAM is
part of introduction about basic human rights among youth and a starting point of a new movement of
awareness toward human rights in Yogyakarta, because thousands of young people
from various regions in Indonesia come to Yogyakarta to study. So that, learning human rights become
important for them while studying in Yogyakarta as knowledge
stockpile to return to
their home land. (Wilton Paskalis and Robert Ngongo).
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