Yogyakarta and Its Surroundings
Germany – Indonesia Exchange 2017/2018 in Yogyakarta

Taksaka train took us from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Arriving in Yogyakarta, Yuda welcomed us with beautiful red rose. The feeling of joy is in everyone’s mind, because the secretariat of Stube-HEMAT Indonesia is located in this city and most of the Stube activists were still studying here. The dinner was held at the secretariat with Stube-HEMAT board fullfiled with warm atmosphere.

On the next day we visited Sultan's Palace of Yogyakarta. With one tour guide, we went around and witnessed the atmosphere and cultural heritage in the palace. Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Yudohadiningrat gladly explained the history and philosophy of Javanese culture in Yogyakarta, so participants knew the meaning of place names taken from the imaginary axis of Merapi, Tugu, Kraton, Krapyak, to the Indian Ocean.

It was an unforgettable opportunity when the participants from Germany performed a German songs accompanied by angklung by Indonesian students at Javanese Christian Church of Mergangsan. Spending a night in Indonesian friends' boarding houses is also memorable experience with all the limitations and simplicity of Indonesian students who came from other islands.

The education dynamics, especially Christian education in the midst of Indonesia's Muslim majority became an interesting thing to discuss, as well as service involvement in health. So, we visited UKDW as one of Christian universities in Yogyakarta and Bethesda Hospital, discussed and observed many challenges and opportunities. The bag industry Dowa empowering and involving the surrounding local people and women in their bag-making process as an effort to develop society economy became a divergent attraction. No less exciting when we walked through Malioboro and spent time together there.

In order to enjoy sunrise at Borobudur Temple, all of us pushed ourselves to wake up at 4:00 A.M. Our effort was not vain, we could see the beautiful sunrise, nature and the temple that morning. Further, Ketep and Merapi became our next destination. A short film about Mount Merapi with its eruption made us reflect the unpredictable nature, sometimes it brings blessings but sometimes it causes disaster.

We spent our last day in Yogyakarta by cooking together at Stube HEMAT secretariat and watched Ramayana ballet performance at Prambanan temple complex in the evening. The next day, early in the morning we flew to Sumba Island by NAM Air. (RPA).
