Spirit To Achieve
The SDGs Target In 2030

A sovereign country is a country having a commitment to bring social welfare for its people, through: alleviating poverty, education for all until Senor High School, good sanitation and health, also reducing the date rate of mother and infant. To achieve it, each country has to bring the same parameter. That’s why on September 2000, Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) were declared on High Millennium Conference by 189 country members of United Nation Organization in New York.

There were 8 main points to achiever until 2015, covering: (1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; (2) Achieve universal primary education; (3) Promote gender equality and empower woman; (4) Reduce child mortality; (5) Improve maternal health; (6) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; (7) Ensure environmental sustainability; (8) Global partnership for development. In the process, the MDGs targets in Indonesia and in most countries in the world have not 100% achieved yet. The period of 15 years was not enough to meet the target, so UN country members agreed to continue the program called Sustainable Development Goals on September 2015 in New York. The achievement indicators of SDGs are more detailed in 17 points with an expectation that in 2030 all countries will be free from poverty, all children have qualified educational access with good infrastructure and human resource, and all countries may handle global climate change and problems of life sustainability and peace for all.

Related with Indonesia responsibility to UN in 2019, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta wants to take a part by collecting aspiration and problems faced by young people throughout the islands, as 90% Stube HEMAT activist are coming from outside Jawa Island.

The discussion held in Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta secretary (31/03/2019) attended by 18 students and source person Dr. Murti Lestari, M.Si, Board-in charge of Stube-HEMAT, found that main obstacle is low quality of education bringing to low quality of human resource. Teacher quality, infrastructure, and school distance are main problems in many islands and remote areas throughout Indonesia. Further, un-renewable fuel like coal becomes agenda to reduce, to ensure environmental sustainability and ecosystem to get ideal climate, to reduce gas emission of greenhouse leading to the rise of sea level.

SDGs has been lasting for 4 years, and we still have 11 years more, so everyone is welcomed to involve and participate in each point and support the government to fulfill the 17 points, so that, Indonesia is able to achieve the indicators of SDGs in 2030. (SAP).
