Mingles with Society 

Living together with community and learning local culture make life more meaningful wherever we are. Likewise Stube-HEMAT in the midst of Yogyakarta society, especially RW 19, Nyutran, always takes part in social dynamics. As in activity to welcome Indonesia's 74th independence, Stube-HEMAT participated in "Cultural Dialogue" event on August 14, 2019, at the residence of Empu Keris (heirloom expert of Keris), Eko Supriyono. It issued three topics namely; Understanding the philosophical axis of Yogyakarta, the History of  kampong Nyutran, and the Keris.

The topic of Understanding the philosophy axis of Yogyakarta was delivered by the Executive Director of Stube-HEMAT, Ariani Narwastujati, by showing a short video that was interesting and easily understood by the audience. The video is a simple basic reference about philosophical axis of Yogyakarta, which has been ranked at the 4th position out of 15 videos competition held by Office of Communication and Information, Yogyakarta Special Region. The videos with English subtitles can be accessed on the link: Philosophical Axis of Yogyakarta City

The video on philosophical axis became the opening for cultural dialogue and made the audience  understand more and love Yogyakarta city which uphold the values of life, humanity and differences in creation. The audience reflected the essence of being born, filling life and the process of returning to the Divine.

The following topic was the history of kampung Nyutran by Endro Gunawan, the umpteenth generation of native residents who formerly lived in this kampong. Originally the place seemed a Madura soldier base camp, which was named the Nyutra soldier. The soldier became one group of soldiers of Yogyakarta Sultanate coming from various regions and islands in the archipelago to support the Sultan.

Continuing the history of the kampong, the dialogue about the heirloom of Keris conveyed by Eko Supriyono is no less interesting. Hundreds, even thousands of keris  has been produced from his hand since 1979. Eko Supriyono explained about the type of warangka (the keris storage) and also every shape of warangka has its own name. In the process, Indonesian-made keris was registered at UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage in 2005.

The Nyutran residents were enthusiastic to participate in the dialogue and they have an idea to design such event regularly as public education media related with the history of Yogyakarta city, the history of Nyutran kampong and also about the keris which was also one of the accessories for Javanese men’s traditional costume.

Indonesia has been independent for 74 years, and the common reflection for such period is what contribution we can make for our nation and country? Loving culture, respecting one another and continuing to support one another are our choices, because our duty is opening chances for the birth of wise leaders regardless of ethnicity, race or religion. Let us be united because we are Indonesia which is full of diverse customs and local history. (SAP).
