Ngerti, Ngrasa, Nglakoni 
Understanding, Having Emphaty and Experiencing

One community group called Javanese society is a community that generally lives in the central part of the island of Java. Javanese people are known to have richness of culture, teachings and idioms that are diverse and can even be said to be complex because they are related to many things and get influence because of the history of Javanese society itself, for example Hindu and Islamic influences. Culture, teachings and idioms are guidelines for everyday life in relation between human with him/herself, human with the Almighty, human with others and human with the surrounding environment. All of this is a tool that is believed to maintain the balance of the order of life among society.

It should be admitted that there are various suggestions, advice and expressions that live and flourish in the midst of Javanese society. One of them is ‘Ngerti, Ngrasa and Nglakoni’. This advice was expressed by Ki Hadjar Dewantara, an Indonesian education figure and founder of Tamansiwa.

The simple meanings of 'Ngerti, Ngrasa and Nglakoni' are:
Ngerti (to understand):
This is a person's attempt to obtain knowledge of something that wants to be known or unintentional through the five senses. In this cognitive aspect hed/she will be able to recognize something, identify and make a concept from the new knowledge that he/she acquired.

Ngrasa (to feel):
This is the phase of affection where someone feels and lives up to what he/she already knows, not just knowing but finding meaning in it. This can be seen from the change in attitude because of new knowledge that has been obtained before.

Nglakoni (to do):
This part is the psychomotor aspect in which a person acts, does something or skills because of new knowledge that he/she learned before. This is a form of consistency and exemplary, doing what has been learned before.

This advice remains relevant until now because someone from birth passes through life stages according to his/her development towards maturity, always gets new knowledge, feels and does.

In terms of human life in a world filled with diversity, and diversity is the essential existence that exists in the world, including humans and the natural environment around it. Humans are in it and they try to recognize and know everything around them, and in reality they cannot get away from the surrounding environment. New knowledge and experience of diversity encourages one to reflect and live up to the reality. This is what makes a person determine his/her attitude and determine actions in response to them.

Especially in Indonesia with cultural, ethnic, religion and community diversity, the steps that need to be taken are ‘Ngerti’ which is trying to gain knowledge about diversity so as to discover and understand the values or philosophy of life, uniqueness and cultural expression of other communities. Then 'Ngrasa' or feel and appreciate diversity is not a threat but the reality and richness of Indonesia. Furthermore, 'Nglakoni' is manifesting in actions that show mutual tolerance, openness through cooperation, mutual cooperation, politeness and concern for humanity and the environment.

‘Ngerti, Ngrasa and Nglakoni’ are simple advices but require willingness, awareness and sincerity to be implemented in actions of everyday life. (TRU).
