By Trustha Rembaka
Communication becomes
human’s need to have interaction with others and it is increasingly needed in
every aspect of life and work, and the communcation itself develops into
various ways and forms, even beyond space and time. Good communication skills
will help someone express ideas, anxiety and thoughts, so Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta facilitated students with online Communication Skills training which
helped students to have communication skills in expressing their ideas and
convey them through video. Twenty-three students from various regions and study
programs took part in the training and produced twenty-one videos in three
Social Issues
- 4S - Sumba Syantik Susah Sinyal (The beautiful Sumba but rare signal), by Apronia,
- Nebeng Teman (Asking friend for internet tethering, by Elin,
- Pilih Nikah atau Kuliah (Get Married or Study?), by Linda,
- Permasalahan di Gunungkidul (Problems in Gunungkidul Regency), by Adnan,
- Antara Rindu dan Corona (Longing versus Corona), by Jemri,
Pandemic Covid-19
- Efek Karantina (Quarantine Effects), by Natra
- Ose Pahlawan Karena Seng Pulang Kampung (You are a hero because of staying at home), by Marcho & Lambert,
- Puao Terkini Covid 19 (Latest News of Covid-19 from Puao), by Sindy,
- Jaga jarak Bukan Berarti Menjauh (Physical Distancing Doesn't Mean Staying Away), by Satry,
- Dicium Aspal Baru Tahu rasa (Kissing asphalt road and you will learn), by Aldo,
- Mahasiswa Sumba Waspada Covid (Sumba students are alert on Covid), by Trisno,
- Dampak Covid-19 dalam industri Pariwisata (The impacts of Covid-19 to tourism industry), by Ine,
- Salah Kaprah Pemahaman Istilah seputar Covid 19 (Misunderstanding of terms around Covid-19), by Nia Oy,
- Covid-19 bukanlah penghalang (Covid-19 is not the barrier), by Alen,
- Corona in Sumba, by Deriatus Awa,
- Haruskah Mudik Saat Pandemik (Should I return home during Covid 19 pandemic?), by Irene,
Free Topics
- Top 3 lagu di rumah saja (The top 3 songs for staying at home), by Wanti
- Perubahan karena Covid (The changes due to covid), by Wulan,
- Tips Mengatasi Stress di rumah (Tips for overcoming stress at home), by Gilang & Lusi,
- Desa Pluneng melewati cobaan Covid 19 (Pluneng village passes through Covid-19), by Aistia,
- Ketaatan di tengah Covid 19 (The obedience during Covid 19), by Rivaldo,
The process of training and mentoring to sharpen the communication skills, including the video recording process impressed the participants, as revealed by Ellyn or Aprilian Sari Tamu Ina, "I am very happy to join this training because it is beneficial and brings a lot of new things about communication skills, learning together and getting to know new friends. The most memorable thing I had during the video process was the challenge of repetition for video shooting because of a small error, however it's very funny. I benefit the training and I feel to be more confident in public speaking and not to be afraid anymore”
If you wonder about those
videos, just click on the links above.
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