Human Rights Training

Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta training on Human Rights at Wisma PU Yogyakarta on August 5-6, 2011, was attended by thirty students from various campuses and study programs, besides being attended by students from Yogyakarta, this training was also attended by students from Salatiga (Cental Java) and Timor Leste. The activity was held in two places, in Yogyakarta for training and Surakarta for exposure

Prof. Dr. Martino Sardi, OFM, became the facilitator for Human Rights training. Human rights are fundamental rights (something basic) because everyone has dignity or self-esteem. Therefore, that right must not be insulted and ignored. Rights are not obtained or granted by the government, but are owned by humans because of human dignity. This fundamental right cannot be pulled out from everyone, if it is separated from that person, the value of humanity or dignity will degenerate, be demeaned, humiliated and undermined and not respected as a human being.

The participants explored the Government's Role in Enforcement of Human Rights presented by RYS. Gunawan Handoyo, SH, the representative of Indonesia Democratic Perjuangan Party fraction. He started his speech with his study experience in university that actually it is not enough entering the community or the world of work directly after graduating, so while studying in Yogyakarta he suggested the participants to try any available opportunities to learn from other experienced-people or organizations.

In relation to the enforcement of human rights, in line with the goal of the representative is actually the issue of human rights itself. No country wanted to be said not to defend human rights. Every country is competing to be said as human rights defender. Indonesian government has laws discussing human rights and in addition there is  a Commission of National Human Rights. The problem of human rights promotion is actually how the implementation is? The reflective question is, wether the government is really doing enforcement of human rights? Honestly, the government has not optimally handled human rights issues. The duties and responsibilities of the state regarding human rights have been formed in each hierarchy of government to the regions. However, Yogya region has not responded it seriously. People who do not respect human rights will be quickly condemned by many people, even sent to court. The challenge of enforcing human rights actually comes from the government itself.

‘Living together with other people’ is a slogan taught by Romo Mangun when young Gunawan Handoyo is doing ‘internship' there. These words are very valuable in relation to the world of human rights (solidarity). The biggest question is, what is our role to reinforce human rights. For example; there are poor neighbors who are sick and they do not have Askeskin (health insurance), how we will respond it? What are the procedures to take him to the hospital with a little help?

Our job is minimizing conflicts to protect human rights. What about the Trisakti case and the Ahmaddiah case? Is the government really responding? Perhaps the government did not dare to reveal the case. There are also satirical words 'poor people are prohibited going to schools', 'poor people are banned to be sick' This is kind of criticism to the government to pay more attention for the poor and marginalized. Actually there have been violations of human rights in the commercial world of education and in the world of health. The Indonesian government is currently experiencing a moral decline, and corruptions are also  human rights violations. Traditional traders are now being squeezed by supermarkets. In this case, it is expected that government initiatives to regulate the arrangement of traditional markets and make trade agreements in Jogja.

Complementing the understanding and application of Human Rights, participants took exposure to YAPHI LPH office in Surakarta. Here, the participants explored LPH YAPHI institutions, the scope of activities and services carried out and the challenges faced by these legal defense institutions including the challenges faced by members and administrators when facing legal cases

The interesting thing is the concept of paralegal, it is course for people who are non-law study backgroud but they have sufficient understanding and provision in directing legal handling, for example how to make complaints or report cases at the community level to the authorities.
