RW 19 Nyutran: establishing a resilient kampong against Covid 19

By Trustha Rembaka

The increasing cases of Covid 19 have become a deep concern for the people of Yogyakarta, especially the residents of RW (housing group) 19. Covid 19 has even arrived in front of the community. Realizing that the handling of Covid 19 cannot fully depend on the health workers, the community must be actively involved in the level of prevention and providing information as the first step. The residents’ awareness and enthusiasm for continuing to seek information related to Covid 19 have been warmly welcomed by Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta through the Health Problems in Indonesia program. Stube HEMAT initiated dialogue and education to the community, as a contribution to community development, especially in the health sector related to the Covid 19 pandemic. This virtual dialogue was attended by the housing group management and members of the Covid Task Force team of kampong Nyutran with the topic of ‘Resilient village against Covid 19’ facilitated by Endro Sambodo as the source person, from the fast reaction team (TRC) of the BPBD DIY (Regional Disaster Management Agency of the Special Region of Yogyakarta) on Sunday (6/12/2020).

In the opening, Ariani Narwastujati, the Executive Director of Stube HEMAT as well as the moderator revealed that this topic was chosen to answer the challenges and problems that occur among people to establish a resilient kampong against Covid 19. The head of the Covid task force RW 19, Didiet Raditya Hadi welcomed this activity and thanked the resource person who has allocated his time in a virtual dialogue that was held for the first time during the pandemic. He hoped that this meeting will be beneficial for the community, especially the residents of RW 19 to know things related to the resilient kampong against Covid 19.

Endro Sambodo in his presentation of the material reminded the importance of a resilient kampong/village against Covid 19 because the pandemic outbreak in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is increasing. It requires the participation of the community from the RT/RW level to immediately empower themselves so that the community is spry to act if an outbreak hits their area. With the alacrity of the local community responding to the outbreak, the handling can be done quickly and precisely so that the chain of transmission can be stopped and prevent more virus exposure. In connection with the resilient kampong against Covid 19, Endro revealed the steps that must be fulfilled, namely: 1) The village management has a community communication system via Whatsapp, SMS, or other communication applications. 2) Regulations must be implemented for the safety of the residents, especially regarding community gatherings, special events, the presence of migrants or travelers, including sanctions agreements that are agreed together. 3) Fast communication for any incident in the area. 4) Appointing residents or asking for a volunteer from the residents to be in charge of the required sectors. 5) Establish the divisions of communication, health, operations, logistics, and security. Another important note is preventing social stigma to protect people exposed to Covid 19, that being exposed to Covid 19 is not a disgrace.

Endar Hidayati, the chairwoman of RW 19 said, "This dialogue is very good to open up our awareness as managers of kampong Nyutran how to have a Covid 19 resilient kampong. This new knowledge becomes our reference to prepare follow-up steps to be more alert and aware in facing Covid, invisible but actually existing". It is hoped that the experience in this educational dialogue will be an added value for each participant and new knowledge to realize a resilient community facing Covid 19 pandemic. Let us continue to work together in harmony, Bravo RW 19.***
