Understanding Disasters and How to Respond

By Kresensia Risna Efrieno

Entering 2021 various natural occurred and natural disasters hit various parts of Indonesia from the  volcanoes eruption of  Mount  Semeru in Lumajang and Mount Merapi in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, earthquake in West Sulawesi, floods in South Kalimantan, landslides in Sumedang (West Java), and in Manggarai (NTT), hail in Cianjur (West Java), also tornado in Wonogiri (Central Java) that caused death and forced thousands of people to refuge.

The various incidents above have strengthened the enthusiasm of students to participate in the Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta program on the topic of "Climate Change and Life Survival" to realize student awareness of climate change and how to maintain the survival of both humans and the environment. This activity took place between January-March. Twenty students from various regions in Indonesia participated in the initial discussion on February 3, 2021, to get to know Stube HEMAT as a human resource development institution, especially students, which provides learning opportunities to enrich student knowledge and experiences. The topic of climate change is closely related to humans where climate change itself is caused by human behavior which affects many things and finally impacts the survival of humans and the environment. Trustha Rembaka as a resource person guided the participants to reveal the disaster that occurred in their hometown, such as Ina Sinar from Manggarai shared a landslide, Dika from East Lampung explained the phenomenon of hail, and Novita from West Sumba reported fires of some houses in a traditional village. This method is a strategy to connect participants with their hometowns and raise awareness that climate change and its impacts are happening so that they know how to act appropriately.

Furthermore, on February 5, 2021, the participants continued the discussion with Wana Kristanto, from the Center for Disaster Management Studies at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta on Disasters and Disaster Vulnerable Areas in Indonesia. 'The participants explored the understanding of disasters, types of disasters, and the threat of disasters from State Law 24/2007 on Disaster Management, is an event or series of events that threaten and disrupt the life and livelihood of the community which is caused by natural factors and or non-natural factors as well as human factors, resulting in human casualties, environmental damage, property loss, and psychological impacts.

From the types of disasters, there are (1) natural disasters, which are caused by natural events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, drought, hurricanes, and landslides; then (2) non-natural disasters such as failed technology, failed modernization, epidemics, and disease outbreaks; and (3) social disaster, which is caused by an event or series of events caused by humans, including social conflicts between groups or between communities, and terror. In this section, it turned out that there is a difference between a disaster and a disaster threat, in which a disaster threat is an event that can cause a natural disaster, the result of human action, or a combination of both.

Kristanto also revealed that the Implementation of Disaster Management in Indonesia can simply be described as (1) Pre-disaster which consists of disaster prevention, preparedness, early warning, and mitigation as an effort to reduce disaster risk, both through physical development and awareness and increased capacity to face disaster threats. (2) Emergency response, actions taken immediately to deal with the impact of a disaster, such as a rescue and evacuation of victims, fulfillment of basic needs, protection, management of refugees, rescue and restoration of infrastructure and facilities; and (3) Post-disaster, which takes the form of rehabilitation and reconstruction to repair and rebuild so that people's lives can revive.

One of the participants, Lidia Meike Dwijayanti Ullo, from Manokwari who is studying in Yogyakarta, responsed, "The new thing that I learned today is the types of disasters that occur, the risks and threats that occur during disasters, I also know how to do something during a disaster and pay attention to sustainable development for the community."

Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta in this training helps students to be aware of disasters, understand what a disaster is, why it occurs, and how to anticipate disasters, manage and minimize the impact of disasters. This new awareness of disaster enriches their horizon to know what to do before a disaster occurs, during a disaster, and after a disaster. ***
