Share knowledge and learn love for the nature

By: Kresensia Risna Efrieno

Learning is an opportunity to know many things that are not yet known. By learning, we realize the importance of knowing everything that exists and lives with us in the surrounding environment. However, can we get benefits from the opportunity and make it an experience? Have you ever thought that when we have learned something, it is important to share it with those who do not know yet, right?

It was a great opportunity for me when I joined Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, an institution for human resource development, especially for students who studying in Yogyakarta. Joining Stube is God's way that brings me to the opportunity to learn and to enrich life experience. I learned many things in Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, such as Climate Change and Life Survival program talking about climate change, the causes and its impacts on human life, and how to reduce the risks. What attracted me to join Stube HEMAT was the challenge for participants to share the knowledge gained in the training. This concept underlined that the knowledge gained did not end when the training finished, but it encouraged participants to disseminate the knowledge they have gained. It helped them to sharpen their skills, not only in the learning process but also in the teaching process through sharing knowledge with others.

These new experiences have become provisions for me as a Communication Science student to share with others. This opportunity came when I met and talked with Sukaningtyas, a Christian Education teacher at SMKN 3 Wonosari (Senior Vocational School), who was an activist at Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta when she was a student. I had the opportunity to share materials on natural restoration to Christian students at the school as part of the Christian subject (29/04/2021). The students observed the vulnerable natural environment situation in Gunungkidul regency, especially the place where they lived, and then mapped the causes why it became vulnerable, such as drought, Escherichia Coli (E.coli) bacteria contamination in the river in Wonosari, massive logging, and tornadoes. After that, they formulated activities that show care to nature. They determined that their action was planting fruit trees which were purchased from pocket money. The tree planting was carried out in the Javanese Christian Church of Bejiharjo, Gunungkidul (26/05/2021). Students learn not only Christian subjects but also acting for nature care.

We often think that learning is just knowing and understanding something, without realizing that many people around us need to know what we have learned, even they may be finally motivated as an actor of the knowledge we share. The activity with the students is an added value for me as a Communication Science student to be more skillful in public speaking. So, let us share knowledge, share what we know and be lighters in the darkness of knowledge. ***
