(Writing assistance for Youth at Pondok Diakonia)
By: Daniel Prasdika.
The Multiplication Program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung has been running for one year. During that period, various activities have been carried out to equip young people, especially at Pondok Diakonia, GKSBS Batanghari, East Lampung, under the guidance of Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th, as the multiplicator. Starting from the topic of Piil Pesenggiri, religious diversity, and vulnerability in Lampung and the Lampung potencies that can be developed, this one-year process is interesting to explore how the existing experiences are felt by multiplicator and the young people.
The process of expressing experiences, especially through writing, requires special skills, so that the writings become interesting to read and easy to understand, so it is important to provide writing assistance to young people in the scope of services at Pondok Diakonia. With the initiative of Daniel Prasdika and Thomas Yulianto, Stube HEMAT activists in Yogyakarta, and having experience to love in Pondok Diakonia, they held virtual sharing and talks as motivational encouragement to write with the Multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Lampung, Rev. Theofilus Agus Rohadi, S.Th and the students of Pondok Diakonia and the surrounding young people on Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Twelve participants attended the online discussion. It motivated them to practice writing and produce written works to express experiences and reflections of the activities participated in Stube HEMAT. Dika and Thomas started sharing by introducing themselves that have ever lived in Pondok Diakonia and while studying in Yogyakarta, they are active at Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta. Writing may be considered ‘simple’ but the impact is extraordinary. Written works convey information, knowledge, and even motivation to many people and indirectly save memories. Writing is an easy thing if there is a will, willing to learn, and it is used to write. Furthermore, several participants expressed interesting experiences when participating Stube HEMAT program in Lampung, such as getting a new understanding of moral messages from Piil Pesenggiri, visiting Lampung traditional houses, having a dialogue with other religious leaders for the first time, and realizing the potencies of both conflict and abundant natural to support the economy in Lampung.
Trustha Rembaka, S.Th., the coordinator of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta conveyed the basics of writing as a combination of knowledge, skills, and will. These three things underlie someone to write. Writing itself is a real expression of what is seen, heard, and felt in written form. The text structure that can be used is the 5W+1H formula, namely when, where, what, who, why, and how. With the help of this formula, short writing can be built by stringing words together in each paragraph. Moving on from this, the young people in Lampung will be able to produce writing works.
At the end of the dialogue, the participants determined that all the impressions of their participation following Stube HEMAT Lampung activity would be transferred into writings. Writings of expressions of experience help others to learn, open up insights, get inspired, or even generate strength. So, are you still putting off writing and not sharing your experiences? ***
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