By: Yonatan Pristiaji Nugroho.
The writing activity is commonly
by children
to adults based on
their perspectives and thoughts. Writing is not just creating the desired writing,
but it must be factual then finally turned into writing. What could make someone less
interested in writing? There are many problems, the first is how to find an idea, and commonly the problem is how to put the idea. A successful writer
is the one who can find and get an idea without waiting, but ‘chasing’ ideas.
Problems that occur from oneself or the environment can be the idea of writing.
According to the writing skill development, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta provided
training on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, with Endah Nursinta Setyaningsih, M.Pd.,
the Indonesian language and literature practitioner experienced in education
management and the Indonesian teacher’s certification.
As a part of the Democracy from Age to Age program, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta invited students to write based on the democratic practices in their area. Ten participants with diverse studies and home areas, from Lampung, Nias, Maluku, Java, Manggarai, and Papua observed democracy practices in their village and promoted them in writing. By this method, the participants are learning democracy while ‘sharpening’ to be sensitive to the realities of democracy practices in their areas. Various interesting events of democracy in the region of Indonesia area are revealed in their writings. The personal experience and cultures from each region became the content of the writings, including how to fit in agreement, elections, money politics, regional autonomy, and mutual and justice in optimizing the region’s potencies
In addition, to learn the democratic practices, the students
recognized the types of writing, such as essays, as writings that discuss a
problem, both experience, and information from others through the writer’s
point of view. The essay writing must be supported by the facts and logical opinion
from the writer, so that it can clearly receive by the reader or even get the
reader to think and then stimulate what to do. The next type is an article,
where this writing is genuine and follows the latest information, and must be
objective with both valid facts and valid data. Completing this writing
training, the participants are reminded of the writing code of ethics, which is
to avoid plagiarism, take an opinion or others’ work and make an article seemed
to be his own. Plagiarism injured the writer himself because he knew nothing
about it. It would be better to write with a pure idea and quoting another
person’s opinion should include the source.
From the participants’ writings collected, Endah Nursinta said that they were able to express their opinion from an event and analyze it in writing. In general, the writing style of participants tends to feature, by combining news and opinion of events with the writer’s point of view. The writings are categorized in a descriptive essay by describing events clearly and factually.
From these activities, the participants found the problems and uniqueness
of local democratic practices in their home region that were previously
unnoticed, invite them to think, sharpen social and emotional sensitivity to
the environment and connect the democratic practices with local, regional, and
cultural policies. Moreover, they learned a ‘new way’ how to write and to express the findings easy
to read. Well, young
men, look around, fetch up the idea and make it into writings.***
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