By: Yonatan Pristiaji Nugroho
Video is a technology that displays sound and moving images to convey a message. Through video, messages can be in the form of news or events based on facts or stories that can educate and provide information. Video creations can be displayed in several forms, such as TV channels, Movies, Youtube, Instagram, or Tiktok. Each video presented has its specific goal and purpose.
“Peace and Justice” program done by Stube HEMAT encouraged participants to see
and understand peace and justice, especially violence against children, human
trafficking, and sexual violence that occurs. Furthermore, Stube HEMAT
Yogyakarta provided them an opportunity to participate in a discussion (Friday,
6/8/2021) with the topic of the program “Peace and Justice” in the form of a
video. This discussion which was followed not only by students living in
Yogyakarta but also from outside the island, such as Alor NTT, Manggarai NTT,
Sumba, and Kupang trained them to develop video-making techniques. The
discussion was conducted online due to government's regulation during the
collaboration with Bandel Ilyas, a film practitioner, an actor (theater and
film), director, and a casting director on various films and other works, such
as a short movie entitled Rumah Pohon,
Unbaedah, Pulang Tanpa Alamat, Segawon, or film entitled Filosofi Kopi, Demi
Waktu, Bumi dan Manusia, and Mantuk which he directed. In this discussion, he
revealed the process of making films/videos. What should be considered in
making a video? Such as determining the theme and concept of the video, writing
the film statement as an idea for scriptwriting, making a shooting schedule for
the shooting schedule and shooting list to record what events will be obtained,
then editing the script as a framework for the film/video to be made. These
steps are very important to combine raw video into a unified visual image
having a message and purpose. The message conveyed by each video is
specifically based on the type, such as comedy, education, documentary, or
fiction video.
In conversation with resource persons, the participants asked many questions about making videos and some participants even had never made creative videos at all. One question from Isna, a participant, "Can the data be added to strengthen the dramatization?" He responded that like in a reality show, a documentary video could be dramatized by the narration and the narrator. Dramatic value is the totality of the journey and conveying the plot and message of the film to the audience. The power of narration and narrator is very influential on dramatization. Another participant, Rivaldo also asked how to show personal experience in the video. Ilyas explained that for a personal experience, the aspect of objectivity should be expressed more rather than subjectiveness, where the scripts should come from factual events.
the discussion, the participants are expected to learn in making creative and
beneficial videos for the audience. They are motivated to make their video
creations, both from personal experience and concepts made before. A good video
provides education and a message for the viewer. Positive messages lead not to
bring down and offend other parties or people.
HEMAT Yogyakarta invited the participants to participate in the short video
competition about Children's Rights and the reality faced by children in
Indonesia. Keep on sharpening awareness to see social realities and reveal them
in videos. Come on, students are capable! ***
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