Clean Water Crisis in Sukoharjo Regency

By: Ina Nur Azizah.         

I am Ina Nur Azizah Fajar Aryani, a student majoring in Communication at APMD (Village Community Development College) of Yogyakarta. I am from Sukoharjo, a regency in Central Java province. It is located about 10 km south of Surakarta municipality as the northern border, to the east by Karanganyar regency, and south by Wonogiri and Gunungkidul regency (Special Region of Yogyakarta). At a glance from the people's point of view, this regency is fortunate because the construction of facilities and infrastructure is quite good and the area is developed with the slogan MAKMUR (Advanced, Safe, Constitutional, Steady, Superior, Neat).

However, that does not mean that Sukoharjo is far from the problems that threaten the community, such as the clean water crisis that recently occurred. Reported from Suara Merdeka Solo (https://solo., there are five villages in Sukoharjo that are starting to have problems with clean water. This pushed the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to deliver 121 tanks of water for the crisis areas. Water is the source of life for every living thing, so it must be preserved. Five villages experiencing a clean water crisis are Tawang village in Weru district, Kamal, Puron, and Ngasinan villages in Bulu district, and Kedungjambal village in Tawangsari district. So how come Sukoharjo area is experiencing a clean water crisis, what is the cause? Will these areas continue to experience the same problem? Is water-dropping the best solution?

Drought caused clean water crisis which always hit three districts during the dry season. The government through the Sukoharjo Regency BPBD (after a request for assistance) immediately distributed 121 tanks with 4.000 liters/tank. From the monitoring, many villages in this area were able to overcome the clean water crisis by digging wells, at least six wells were made.

The clean water crisis is an urgent case. The government's solution by providing clean water assistance should have been done and the community has the right to a decent life. However, the problem did not just end. It is recognized that the areas that are experiencing a clean water crisis are decreasing by digging wells to get water. The water from the well is groundwater. That means they are creating new problems. Apart from the clean water crisis, other problems may arise in the future, such as damage to the soil surface or the hydrological cycle. Another problem is the shortage of water reserves which are useful for balancing the pressure on the ground surface which causes landslides or land subsidence. The public should give attention to these things.

From the situation above, ideas came up from my interactive experience following Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta activity with Water Security topic, in which the students observed the reality of the water problem around them and tried to find ideas as students' contributions to the problem. I have an opinion that the government can do other breakthroughs rather than providing clean water assistance to certain areas, such as by giving counseling how to process and use water wisely, especially in this upcoming rainy season. It will be beneficial for the community and groundwater sustainability. People who have already dug wells also need to be equipped with knowledge about the negative impacts of digging these wells, so that they will connect water from PDAM or utilize surface water.***
