Education That Changed the World (Book Review)

By: Yoel Yoga Dwianto, S.Th.          

Education cannot exist or take place in an empty space, because it comes from the experience of human life in the context of the place where they live related to problems and issues. As time and space go by and change, as events and experiences continue to flow, education should respond the changes quickly and appropriately. Various educational theories have the construction of thought behind them. Often, the construction of thought is derived from a conflict, tension, or realization to meet the needs or a better vision for society.

To respond to educational problems, Stube HEMAT dealt with educational issues with a theme about Education in Advance Technology. As a first step, Stube HEMAT held a book review on Philosophy of Education: Schools of Philosophy of Education, written by Teguh Wangsa Gandhi HW, published by Ar-Ruzz Media, 2013 (07/04/2022). Yuel Yoga Dwianto, S.Th., Stube HEMAT work team became the presenter in the book review. He introduced the sects of educational philosophy, such as Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Progressivism, Essentialism, Perennialism, Existentialism, and Reconstructionism. However, he criticized the book for excluding the Rationalism initiated by Rene Descartes at the beginning of the modern era.

These sects of educational philosophy emerged as a response to human anxiety about educational problems. These are academic, social, and even political responses from people to the novelty and future educational needs. Uniquely, these approaches are related to behavior and attitudes. Concerning the challenges of advanced technology and rapid changes in human civilization, Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism approach provides the answer. It encourages every individual (student) to develop all of his potential to achieve self-fulfillment and awareness, and imagine what he can achieve, what might happen and what he can do.

The study of educational philosophy thought is expected to make the participants aware of the basis of thinking about the importance of education for a better life in the future. In a broader sense, society can develop according to its purpose and nature, and the existence of human life according to the times. In short, life and life's goal can be achieved when education is truly "alive". Because, education and human life are two identical things, inseparable. The relationship between the two is like the body and soul: the soul has the potential to move the body, while the goal of life is moved by education. Without education, humans will lose their spirit.

In this book review, it is also revealed that education in this technological era is developing so fast, its development includes a more balanced curriculum scope, an educational approach that respects the uniqueness of its students, the preparation of teaching, and more organized learning plans, and uses technology a lot. As a consequence, teachers and students must realize that they cannot be complacent. They have to think about breaking down the education system from an imaginary basis to become real experiences. Furthermore, a person's perception, conception, articulation, and analysis are formed by physical and psychological abilities such as the development of the times and the context in the educational process.

Unfortunately, due to the limited acquisition of knowledge, human knowledge is also limited. What one thinks, understands, and feels, is just a little part. No one can claim that he has reached the final and absolute end. Anything felt and understood is the best thing to have. Education can contribute to change the world in a certain period even though in limitations. Keep on finding out answers of everything that happens in life for changes. (YYD) ***
