Pondok Diakonia & Human Resource Potency

Reflection on Local Exposure to Lampung    

By: Trustha Rembaka         

Local Exposure to Lampung is one of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta's program activities to strengthen Stube HEMAT services in the region as well as a workspace for students who are studying in Yogyakarta to share their knowledge and skills. Rev. Theofilus as the multiplicator program of Stube HEMAT in Lampung has mentoring services for youth at the junior high and high school levels besides serving the GKSBS Batanghari congregation. The exposure participants support the services provided by multiplicator, and of course, it becomes a challenge when interacting with the dynamic phase of adolescent growth in line with curiosity so that it becomes an opportunity for exposure participants to provide knowledge and skills for their future.

In conversations with teenagers who live in Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari, it was revealed that they came from various districts in Lampung, such as East Lampung, Central Lampung, Tulang Bawang, West Tulang Bawang and North Lampung. They leave their parents and village to live in a dormitory to get a conducive environment for learning and better access of education than where they came from. It is not easy for them to be separated from their parents, but indirectly this situation encourages them to be more independent, responsible, and take care of each other.

For the exposure activities in Lampung, I prepared training in writing blogs and narration for videos, taking pictures and making short videos, and supporting the works of the Stube HEMAT Multiplication in Lampung. Journalistic training strengthens young people's writing skills, and it is useful when they do their school assignments, create video narratives, and document Stube HEMAT activities. It must be admitted that it is not easy to find ideas and create an article, so you have to sit down and chat with them so you can 'connect' with them so that various stories will be revealed and ideas will emerge. Then, one strategy was to allow them to choose a topic that interests them to write about. They have proven that they are capable to produce writings and have been published both blogs and narratives for their short videos. However, some have not succeeded.

Capacity-building among youth at Pondok Diakonia GKSBS Batanghari plays a significant role because it prepares them to become young people with added value, both spirituality, under the pastor's guidance, church assembly, and GKSBS Batanghari congregation. Teenagers are equipped with actual knowledge, skills development, independent character building, and broader insight when interacting with existing topics and sources, and it will help them to respond the future more optimistically. Furthermore, the approach and mapping of campuses and student gathering spots in urban areas such as Bandarlampung, Metro, and Bandarjaya, as well as opening new networks and continuing to assist youth, need to be done continuously.*** 
