By: Trustha Rembaka, S.Th.
No One Behind become the tagline of Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta training on
Education in Advanced Technology. The training was held at Wisma Pojok Indah,
Condongcatur, Yogyakarta (20-22/05/2022) to encourage students to be 'literate'
on social realities, such as technology taking over human work, demographic
bonuses, disparities in the quality of education among regions; and to inspire twenty students to be more adaptive
to technological advances, also to motivate students to act as agents who bridge the
technological gap.
conditions mean a person who is unable to obtain adequate education, a weak
economy, and low health quality, has no many options to reach a prosperous life. The quality of
human resources is urgent to be improved and this is the concern of Stube HEMAT, as
stated by Ariani Narwastujati, S.Pd., S.S., M.Pd., Executive Director of Stube
HEMAT Yogyakarta. The Indonesian government continues to strive for its human
resources to have qualifications such as; willingness to work hard, dynamic,
skilled, and master of science and technology. To obtain such qualifications,
there must be policies and roadmaps that lead to improve the quality of human resources.
However, it must be acknowledged that there are many challenges, from the world
of education there are gaps due to geographical conditions, educational
facilities from one area to another, the quality of students and family
support, the culture of the local community and the access to communication and
Nowadays, managing private educational institution faces hard challenges. It was revealed by Dr. Drs. Mulyo Prabowo, M.Pd. from BOPKRI Foundation, when he told that the number of schools and students continues to decrease, however, the foundation continues to fight for the schools’ existence, train human resources and promote them. Meanwhile, Endah Nursinta, M.Pd., the headmaster of BOPKRI Banguntapan High School, told about the challenges of schools with limited human resource input for students, so extra assistance is needed for them, increasing school branding and expanding school promotions. Likewise, the church responds the technological advances to serve the congregation by providing streaming services, online prayer fellowships, and cashless offerings and improving the congregation's economy by marketing through social media groups, even helping other churches to improve their technological skills the dynamics of church ministry was explained by Rev. Bambang Sumbodo, M.Min, pastor emeritus of Javanese Church of Mergangsan, and the board member of Stube HEMAT.
Advanced technology become a challenge for students, so it is important for them to adapt the technological advances, utilizing gadgets and applications to study. Then, the students mapped applications that 'support' their study with Aditya Wikan Mahastama, M.Cs., information technology lecturer at UKDW. From the process, it was revealed that design applications, video editing, statistics, and applications related to theological studies became the needs of the participants. Next, the participants were divided into groups to get to know about these applications.
about education cannot be separated from Ki Hadjar Dewantara, the father of
Indonesian education who stated that education is the integrity of knowledge
and behavior. This wholeness can be achieved with the artistic approach
developed in the Sariswara method. The training participants learned the
Sariswara Method with Cak Lis, the familiar name of Listyo H Kris (Sariswara
Laboratory). The Sariswara method is a learning method through art that
combines sensory experience, literature, and motion and contains values and
teachings of goodness that are packaged into a story, game, or rites that will
bring up cooperation, tolerance, love for others and nature. Then the participants
were asked to explore the games in their area and practice them to preserve the
good values. The participants were also invited to watch educational-themed
films, such as Flying Color, Hichki, and Freedom Writers to understand holistic
education, that education is not only related to students and teachers but also
school and the policies, family conditions, and a conducive environment. Each
must be aware of its position and responsibility to work together to form an
ecosystem that supports the success of the education process.
training motivated Eufemia Sarina, one of the participants, to
utilize technology more
in searching for information related to tourism, according to her study. She is
eager to help her friends to operate video editing applications.
Bridging the technology gap does not wait until someone is perfect, but it
starts with a
willingness to share technology-based skills. Are we ready let no one left behind? ***
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