By Aginda Yunita Lawa.
Learning experiences or interacting with different communities will enrich one's experience and knowledge. I experienced it too. I am Aginda Yunita Lawa, a student from Atambua, majoring in Management at Mahakarya Asia University, Yogyakarta. I found a new experience when participating in Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta training about Education in Advanced Technology (20-22/6/2022). This is my first experience participating in the activity of Stube HEMAT as an institution engaged in Human Resource Development, especially for students in Yogyakarta.
found new enlightenment about education, namely education as a process of
changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group to mature humans
through teaching and training. Character education is a process where a person
learns to identify character, morals, or values, to have a better character and
personality. Education is also an effort to improve the ability of human
resources so that they can have character and can live independently as stated
in the Stube-HEMAT motto.
It must be admitted that technological advances affect one's success, so the young generation should update the information and not be left behind. Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta promoted this concept through a tagline Leaving No One Behind. Through the training, the participants are expected to master technology, and focused on education with character and virtuous character, as I have seen through the educational-themed films, Freedom Writers, Hichkhi, and Flying Color, which tell about the importance of education.
In the current digital era, the young generation needs to know that character education is significant so everyone can apply moral and religious values through science. The demands of the young generation in the era of industrial revolution 5.0 include self-competence, being observant in taking advantage of opportunities, and courage to self-actualize. Stube HEMAT also encourages participants to master at least one of the applications as an added value as a key point in the work competition.
Complementing my understanding and experience of holistic education, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta introduces one of Ki Hajar Dewantara's learning methods, called the Sariswara method. In this method, the material or teaching is delivered with sentences, songs, and harmonious gestures. The harmony experienced by a person in education fosters ethical and character education.
has a role to pay attention to education? Of course, I have to answer this
question starting from myself, in addition to parents, teachers (schools), and
the environment. In the context of my place of origin from the NTT area,
especially Atambua, education still needs to be developed, so the new understanding from Stube
HEMAT makes me understand more about paying attention to education in my area
and being able to do something useful in the future. ***
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