‘Financial Literacy’ with CU Cindelaras Tumangkar

By Trustha Rembaka.         

Authentic learning is a learning approach that gives space for students to find and to discuss real problems, then build new understandings as a response to address the existing problems, even in this process students also 'interact' with existing problems and dialogue with the people involved. The learning concept is an activity model of the Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta where student participants interact directly with parties related to the topic. In the current Social Entrepreneurship training, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta is making a study visit to the Cindelaras Tumangkar Credit Union (CUCT) in Condongcatur, Sleman to explore community problems regarding finance and how people struggle to be independent (12/11/2022).

At the CUCT office, the participants met Sudarwanto, S.Pd., one of the pioneers who had served CUCT as manager for two periods. He revealed that CUCT's background was from the problems of the people who are mostly farmers and farm laborers. They experienced financial difficulties because they are trapped in loans that are suffocating and forced them to loan to cover other loans and to meet their needs for food, clothing, housing, education, and health. On the other hand, the tendency for an instant and consumptive lifestyle becomes a vicious circle that hinders their well-being.

Luckily, awareness emerged after a discussion in Puluhan village, Moyudan, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, how the citizens should manage the nation in globalization and capitalism. The reality is that when people with limited finances save their money at the bank, their money does not increase but instead decreases because of various credit, and bank profits are not distributed to customers, meaning that money will flow to owners of capital or shareholders so that the flow of assets to owners of capital contributes to the financial collapse of society with limited finances. When people want to develop themselves, they are troubled by the inability to access capital because of various requirements, and repaying credit becomes a burden to them.

The students tried to digest the explanation, they just realized about 'financial literacy' and for bank savings to be profitable, it means that they have to have large amounts of savings, beyond the ability of a student. CUCT offered an alternative where the value of savings can grow in line with access to capital for business. At the same time, members can have savings and access capital so that members get income from loan repayments and operating profits. Even, CUCT profits will return to the members. Interestingly, in addition to financial services, CUCT also conducts financial literacy education so that people are aware of financial management and the principle ‘not to let dead people leave a burden on their heirs. At its founding on June 16, 2006, CUCT had 11 members with 16 million assets, but currently, in 2022 it reached more than 5.000 members with 64 billion assets.

The exposure revealed that Credit  Union are an alternative that already exists in Indonesia and it requires the managers to pay more attention to its members. The students were motivated to explore a social problem in the community and the community's efforts to escape problems, for example, the problems of livestock farmers, cassava plantation farmers, and loan sharks.

Through Social Entrepreneur training, students need to be financially literate, how to manage income, plan expenses, and target potential businesses so that they can develop themselves and become actors of change in the region. Come on young people, be financially literate and develop businesses for the welfare of society. ***
