Karang Kauman Youth and Social Entrepreneurship

By Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta.          

Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta once again collaborated with the KKN STPMD APMD student team led by Jerliyando George Korwa together with Karang Kauman youth to discuss Youth and Social Entrepreneurship (Friday, 6/09/2024) in Karang Kauman, Wijirejo, Pandak, Bantul. The solidarity of local youth in the Karang Youth Association (IRKA) community deserves appreciation, because through this community they can develop their potential as best they can. In this discussion, Trustha Rembaka from Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta explained the potential of Indonesia's demographic bonus which can be a blessing and a disaster. A blessing, if human resources have space to work, and a disaster if, at their productive age, they are unemployed and do not have sufficient skills.

Initially, participants learned about social entrepreneurship, where individuals or groups try to solve a social problem with an entrepreneurial approach or start a business that provides social benefits. Individuals who work as social entrepreneurs have the initiative and are ready to take risks in creating positive changes in society through their initiatives. In starting a social entrepreneurship, there are several key questions, such as, what social problems that attract the most? What solution ideas are offered to answer the social problems? What kind of changes are expected from these solutions? What kind of community empowerment is taken from implementing the solutions? What is the business strategy to support the change process? And, what are the indicators of success of the efforts made? So in social entrepreneurship, there are four important aspects, including creating business opportunities as a form of empowerment, profitable businesses to answer social problems, achieving long-term changes, and using a business and social approach. In this session, participants were introduced to several stories of young people who initiated social entrepreneurship to solve social problems around them.

Furthermore, Trustha revealed the social reality in Bantul and the participants observed them, likewise the number of the poor in Bantul is 126.93 thousand people (National Socio-Economic Survey, BPS DIY 2024), the Bantul regency government is only able to process 35 tons of waste/day out of 95 tons/day (DLH Bantul, April 2024), in 2023 there were 2,863 stunted babies in Bantul (Dinkes Bantul, 2024), 22,783 people were unemployed (BPS DIY, April 2024), 118 cases of violence against children, women and men (Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Population Control and Family Planning - DP3APPKB Bantul, 2024), and a decrease in the number of farmers in Bantul from 62 thousand to 58 thousand (DKPP Bantul, 2023).

From this stage, in groups, the participants tried to find solutions to solve social problems independently and sustainably. One group learned about the waste problem, which they could do in their environment, namely by sorting waste and distributing it to collectors. The proceeds from the sale could be used for the organization's cash flow and to finance activities. Meanwhile, another group targeted the problem of stunting, which cannot be separated from economic and knowledge limitations. The idea arose about starting a yard garden for food sufficiency and literacy efforts for the closest family about nutrition and health of pregnant women. The idea also emerged for the community to become a space for self-development as an anticipation of juvenile delinquency, through self-skills such as public speaking, animal husbandry, and multimedia.

The spirit that exists in young people needs to get a positive space for expression, one of which is to move them as agents of change in their area. Continue to work with the provision of potential and social problems within the context of the local area. Viva young people! ***
