Book Review: A Lecture of the Specialty of Yogya

By: Patrick Valdano Sarwom          

Specialty begins by writing because it is from writing that history is built. This statement was conveyed by Dr. Haryadi Baskoro at the book review of "A Lecture on the Specialty of Yogya" in the Vicon Digital Library room, Yogyakarta State University (Tuesday, 11/26/2024). The book published by Graha Ilmu emphasizes the importance of the history of the specialty of Yogyakarta.

On that occasion, the resource person as well as the author of the book asked all the attendees how far the students studying in DIY understand the Specialty of Yogya. "Probably those who have graduated from Yogya, not know the city at all," he joked. This is a serious question for those who are present so that they should understand the history of this city.

The resource person explained that the book he wrote contains the history of Yogyakarta. He invited students to be involved in writing various issues or the history of Yogyakarta using any researches that can be done because AI (Artificial Intelligence) cannot research what human does directly in the field because human has his superiority of managing existing potential. Machines cannot know yet the results of interviews with informants in the field, so that, it makes humans different from machines.

This book has its advantages because it presents fifteen materials on the Special Region of Yogyakarta for students, starting from pre-independence, DIY joining the Republic of Indonesia, the Special Region Law, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, the purpose of the Special Region, the Sultan, and Paku Alam, until student participation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Related with the publication of this book, campuses in Yogyakarta can play an active role to encourage students to research Yogyakarta. This book is also a breakthrough to develop special courses on the study of the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This book also contains learning targets that focus on students for the undergraduate students (S-1) and other equivalent level to introduce and to teach the Special Region of Yogyakarta to students and the community in DIY. The lecture material is given according to the applicable academic standards and is based on clear competencies, as written in the introduction which contains the formulation of the problem of competency standards (SK), basic competencies (KD), and indicators (I) of the lecture.

The lecture will encourage students not only to understand the special features of Yogyakarta but also enable them to adapt and be actively involved in the development of DIY, likewise the DIY regional government such as related agencies and the Paniradya Keistimewaan institution will be helped to develop and to invite the community to participate actively in the development in DIY.

The book review was attended by a member of Province House Representative of Yogyakarta from the PDIP faction, RB. Dwi Wahyu B, who gave an opening speech asd a resource person, "History needs to be maintained, especially the history of Yogyakarta. We see that advanced countries do maintain and develop history. If we look at the year 400, several kingdoms in the archipelago were already advanced in their government and economic systems, but why is our country still like this? Because our history is widely written abroad but we have not written it," said Dwi Wahyu.

The author was actually motivated by his father, R. Sudomo Sunaryo, a speechwriter for the Governor/Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta for 30 years. The author learned from his father to preserve the history of the Special Region of Yogyakarta so that it would not be lost in time. The author hopes that this book may become a teaching material for university lectures on the Special Region of Yogyakarta, so the students are able to play a more significant role and to give more contributions.***
