By: Stube HEMAT
10th is the momentum of the birth of Stube HEMAT along with the commemoration
of Human Rights Day in Indonesia. Thirty-one years as a non-profit organization
engaged in non-formal education outside campus for students is not a short period.
As if human, 31 years old is categorized as adult, considered physically,
emotionally, and socially mature, showing the ability to take responsibility in
various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, and welfare. An adult is
also considered independent, and able to take any initiatives without relying much
on others.
The same with Stube HEMAT, students from outside Java studying in Yogyakarta are required to be mature and independent. Living in other island is certainly not as comfortable as living with parents, because it requires responsibility in taking care of daily needs, and wisdom for financial management each month before receiving new money transfer. Many students have to work while studying to meet their needs, especially since the economic situation in Indonesia has not recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic, and global climate change has an impact on agricultural output which greatly affects the economy of students' parents who generally work as farmers.
Commemorating the 31st anniversary of Stube HEMAT and approaching Christmas 2024, Stube HEMAT greeted and met students at several points of campus by distributing gifts in the form of college equipment, food, and milk. It is hoped that the gifts can help a little, especially for students who cannot go home for Christmas this year. Located in boarding houses around Nologaten, Seturan, Timoho, and Sagan, Stube HEMAT sent Ariani Narwastujati as the person in charge of Stube HEMAT operation to meet students and hand over the gifts which were received with gratitude.
The students expressed their hopes that Stube HEMAT programs would run smoothly facilitating students with Capacity Building. "Wishing joyful for Stube HEMAT's 31st birthday. I hope the programs can be implemented well and smoothly. Also, a Merry Christmas 2024 to all my friends," said Sutopo Ringin Anom, a STAK Marturia student from South Sumatra.
Maturity and independence are meant to be for students and Stube HEMAT as an organization. May God enable all of us. Immanuel. ***
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